Changelog ========= 0.3.9 (24/10/2021) ------------------ - Add a regular ping 0.3.8 (25/06/2021) ------------------ - Reset ws connection if any send request raised a ConnectionClosed error 0.3.7 (25/06/2021) ------------------ - Reconnect if ws ping command fails 0.3.6 (10/02/2021) ------------------ - Manage mutliple connections (1:20 subscriptions) 0.3.4 (13/12/2020) ------------------ - Fixes error loop when unsubscribe to a dataset 0.3.3 (05/12/2020) ------------------ - Manage kraken error 'Subscription ohlc interval not supported' 0.3.2 (01/07/2020) ------------------ - Add reconnection timeout and logs - Improve exception resiliency 0.3.1 (22/03/2020) ------------------ - Fixes kraken ws server reconnection attempt with timeout of 5sec. 0.3.0 (17/03/2020) ------------------ - Add param reset_period (default 60sec) to set ws reconnection period 0.2.5 (15/03/2020) ------------------ - Fixes: stop watchdog from worker before reconnect 0.2.4 (13/03/2020) ------------------ - Fixes broad except - Fixes case when callback tooks more than a minute - ENH: Allow to subscribe/unsubscribe before start 0.2.3 (27/02/2020) ------------------ - Fixes kraken reconnection issue. - Manage error 429 from kraken. 0.2.2 (26/02/2020) ------------------ - Logs systemStatus event from server. - Re-subscribe every 30 minutes. 0.2.1 (18/02/2020) ------------------ - Fixes kraken subscription expiration not managed. Force a reconnect every 6h. 0.2.0 (27/01/2020) ------------------ - Fixes kraken subscriptions limited to 20 commands - Fixes websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError when stream is closed - Add annoncement job in CI 0.1.3 (26/01/2020) ------------------ - Improve release cycle - Add Stream._send method to log data emitted toward the server 0.1.2 (24/01/2020) ------------------ - Package documentation with autodoc 0.1.1 (23/01/2020) ------------------ - Add debug logs - Add an auto Changelog - Set status project to Beta 0.1.0 (24/11/2019) ------------------ - Add KrakenWs.dataset property 0.0.1 (16/10/2019) ------------------ - First release